Know What type of Leg Braces is Right for You


Leg braces are used when the bones or joints in that area must be immobilized. They are also used to support a person who has a weak leg or has had tissue loss. Braces such as Wrist Braces and Foot Braces are most commonly used to treat fractures and sprains of the leg and hands. Because the brace will most likely be worn for an extended period of time, it is critical to select one that is comfortable. There is always the possibility that certain brace materials will irritate the skin, so these should be avoided. 

Before you choose any type of leg brace, it’s important to know various types leg braces and their uses to ensure selecting best leg braces for the leg treatment.

Most knee braces are classified as hinged or non-hinged. As the name implies, hinged braces have hinges that allow the brace to provide more support and stability to the knee while also promoting proper alignment. Non-hinged braces provide less support but can still be useful in a variety of situations. There are several types of braces within these two categories, each designed for a specific purpose.

Hinged braces

  • Prophylactic braces: They are typically worn by athletes to help stabilize the joint and protect the knee ligaments in order to prevent knee injuries.
  • Functional braces: After an injury or reconstructive surgery, protect and support the knees. Some are intended to treat specific types of injuries (for ex. an ACL functional brace is basically  designed to support the ACL and  it also helps to prevent movements that could lead to re-injury).
  • Spring braces: Add springs to the hinge to absorb body weight as the knee bends. The strongest spring braces also facilates releasing stored energy as you straighten your leg ultimately it offers relieving feel. Spring technology is used in some of the best offloader braces to reduce load across the entire knee.

Non-hinged braces

  • Compression sleeves: Warmth and compression can help to support the knee, improve proprioception, and reduce pain, stiffness, and inflammation. They are mostly used by people who have mild knee pain or injury and want to stay active. They may also be used in the final stages of injury rehabilitation when returning to physical activity and sports.
  • Knee straps: To relieve pain from injuries such as jumper’s knee and runner’s knee, apply pressure to the patellar tendon (just below the knee cap).

Final thoughts,

To choose the correct braces, first you might know the root cause of the pain. Understanding the cause of pain will help you to pick the right brace to relieve your pain faster. Joint problems are no new things now a days. People of any age can get knee and muscle pain, hope you found the above blog useful for picking the right Foot Braces.

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