If you’ve noticed a few cracks appearing in your shower base, you’re not alone. When a shower pan cracks, it can be an annoyance and cause major damage to your home. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent these problems from occurring in the first place—and if they do happen, there’s also plenty that can be done about them! It’s important to react and call Cracked Shower Base Repairs experts before it gets serious.
Why do cracks appear in shower bases?
The key to understanding the causes of cracks in your shower base is to understand why they occur in the first place.
When you build a concrete slab, it’s going to naturally expand and contract as the weather changes. This expansion and contraction makes sense when you think about how hot asphalt gets during summer heat waves or how cold it gets during winter blizzards.
It’s not supposed to be there forever, but over time these movements can cause significant problems like cracking in your shower base.
What damage can these cracks cause?
Shower pan cracks can cause a lot of problems. Not only do they look bad, but they can also lead to water damage and mold growth.
Shower pans are designed to prevent leaks and hold the water in place while you shower—if they crack or start to separate from the walls, they won’t be able to do either of these things well anymore. This can lead to big problems like mold growth and even flooding!
How do you fix a cracked shower base?
The best way to fix a cracked shower base is to replace it, call Cracked Shower Base Repairs experts today. If you are handy, you can do this yourself by purchasing a new base and removing your old one. If not, hire someone for the job.
If you’re planning on replacing your entire shower pan, then consider using a fibreglass or epoxy resin-based concrete that will last longer than traditional mortar. You can also use a waterproofing sealant over cracks in the existing pan before laying down tile or grout on top of it.
This method is often used as an interim solution while waiting for more permanent repairs later down the road when there’s enough space between tiles for caulk lines instead of grout lines which are typically narrower than tiling widths so they won’t show up easily when looking at them head-on but could still be seen if viewing from certain angles where light hits differently than others due to something called “reflections.
Can you prevent shower pan cracks from appearing?
The best way to prevent cracking is to use a high-quality shower pan liner. This is because the shower base and wall are made of very thin material, which is prone to damage. A good quality mortar will also help by providing extra support for your tiles or stone. It is important that you choose a good quality grout as well.
The type of tile or stone you choose will depend on your budget and personal preference but it’s important that you make sure that they are all level with one another otherwise there will be uneven pressure on them which may result in damage or even breakage over time!
If you have cracked walls then this can cause problems as well so it’s best just avoid those types of materials altogether if possible – especially if there’s no guarantee about how long these things will last anyway!
So there you have it! If you’re struggling with a cracked shower pan, these are the questions to ask yourself whether you need Cracked Shower Base Repairs or not. Once those issues are addressed, you may be able to save some money and avoid hiring professional help.
At the very least, though, we hope that this article has given you some insight into what could cause your problem and how you might fix it on your own—without spending thousands of dollars on costly Cracked Shower Base Repair or new construction projects.