Safety Advice for Bouncing on Outdoor Trampolines

If a trampoline is not anchored to the ground, it can flip and injure or even kill you. To ensure that your trampoline is safe, make sure it’s securely anchored with stakes in firm soil.

Anchor the best trampoline in nz with stakes that are at least 12ft trampoline deep—the deeper they go into the ground, the better! It’s also important that these stakes aren’t touching anything except for themselves: no rocks or other objects should be touching them either (this will prevent them from sinking).

Make sure there’s adequate space around the trampoline.

  • Make sure there’s adequate space around the trampoline.
  • Check that there are no trees, pools or other hazards near the trampoline.
  • Check that there are no power lines close by.
  • Make sure your trampoline is not in a high-traffic area of your house or yard (e.g., near an open window).
  • Make sure the enclosure is secure and stable.

The enclosure is the area around your trampoline, including the frame and netting. It’s important to make sure that it’s secure and stable so children don’t get injured while jumping on it.

To make sure your enclosure is secure:

  • Make sure there are no holes in it (the holes should be covered with metal rings).
  • Ensure that all bolts on the frame are tight enough so they won’t loosen over time.

If you notice any areas where there might be spaces between boards or gaps between bricks, fill them up with something like gravel (for example) before putting up any new boards or bricks! This will help prevent small children from getting their fingers caught between gaps in those places when playing on their trampoline later down the road.”

best trampoline in nz

  • Make sure your child is supervised at all times.

The most important part of using a trampoline is supervision. This is required at all times, and should be continuous. It’s best to use an adult that knows how to safely use your trampoline—and possibly even has experience using one yourself!

You should also make sure that the person supervising your child understands the dangers of trampolining, in case they get hurt while they’re bouncing on it (and then you get sued).

  • Enforce a strict one-person-at-a-time rule.

The most important rule, which should be enforced at all times: no jumping, running, diving or somersaults.

If you fall off your trampoline and hit the ground hard enough that it hurts your head or neck, don’t get up. Don’t move for two minutes—the longer you stay down and still are uncomfortable, the more likely it is that any damage will be permanent.

While a safe, fun experience, trampolining still needs to be treated with respect as it can be dangerous if not used correctly. Trampolining is a good way to get exercise, build strength and balance, build confidence in yourself and your ability to handle something that might seem challenging at first glance.

It’s also important that you know how much weight you should put on the trampoline before jumping on it so that you don’t end up breaking your neck or otherwise injuring yourself while playing around outside!


Now that you know some safety tips to keep in mind before jumping on a best trampoline in nz go ahead and have fun! We hope this article has helped make your next time with friends or family less stressful when it comes time to bounce around like crazy.