Leaking Shower Floor: What to Look for & how to STOP!

A leaking Shower Floor can result from several problems: broken or damaged tiles, worn grout joints, or even a crack in the wall behind the tiles. If you’re not sure where your leak is coming from, there are some simple steps you can take that will help narrow down what needs fixing. In this article, we’ll cover how to find out exactly where your leaks are coming from so that you can fix them quickly and easily!

Step 1 – Identifying the Leak

If you suspect that you have a leak in your shower, the first step is to determine whether or not there is actually a problem. Check the ceiling, walls and floor for signs of water damage to make sure it isn’t just condensation from an air conditioner or humidifier.

Identifying Leak

If you see water on the floor, check around your drain and shower head for leaks. If you cannot find any signs of leakage, check behind your wall in case there is a leak behind it (sometimes called “hidden” leaks).

Step 2 – Finding the source of the leak

Before stopping the leak, you must first identify where it’s coming from and what’s causing it. The best place to start is by looking for signs of water damage.

If your shower floor has cracked grout between the tiles, this can be a sign that there’s a leak somewhere nearby. Another common sign of a Leaking Shower Floor is mold growth on walls or ceilings near or under your tub or shower stall.

Remember that sometimes this moulid will only appear after repeated flooding (such as after heavy rainfall), so keep an eye out over time if you suspect moulid growth due to flooding rather than just one incident of heavy rainfall!

A clogged drainpipe could also be contributing to leaks from your tub or shower, so check this area carefully as well—it may take some elbow grease, but using a plunger should clear any blockage and put an end to any leaking issues in no time!

Step 3 – Removing Grout to Find Leaks

Remove grout. It’s not difficult to remove most shower floors, especially if you’re removing the tile and replacing it with a new one. Removing the floor tiles requires patience and diligence, but it’s an important step in finding leaks before they become too severe or costly to fix.

To begin removing grout, use a chisel or keyhole saw to cut out any cracked or broken pieces of tile. Then use a hammer and chisel (or just your hands) to remove any remaining bits of loose cement or grout that remain attached to the subfloor beneath them.

Once all of this work is complete, you’ll be able to see what lies underneath: either more cement/grout or mouldy subfloors/water damage which could indicate where leaks are originating from.

Step 4 – Fixing the Leak

Now that you know where your leak is, it’s time to fix it! The first step in fixing a shower floor leak is to turn off and drain the water out of your shower. Then use a hammer and chisel (or just your hands) to remove any remaining bits of loose cement or grout that remain attached to the subfloor beneath them. Once all of this work is complete home improvement, you’ll be able to see what lies underneath: either more cement/grout or subfloors/water damage which could indicate where leaks are originating from.

Fixing Leak


Step 5 – Re-grouting

Now that the tile is clean and dry, it’s time to apply new grout. You can either hire someone or do it yourself—either way, and this step is pretty straightforward. The only thing to keep in mind is that the more time you give yourself between removing old grout and applying new grout, the better chance you have of creating a perfect bond between both.

You may need to mix up some fresh mortar (a mixture of sand, cement and water) first before applying it on your floor with a small trowel or spatula tool. Then just spread out the mortar with your trowel across all areas where there was any leaking or other signs of damage. Let it dry overnight before cleaning up any messes made during application!

Step 6 – Cleaning up and fixing any other leaks (if necessary)

Once your new grout has dried overnight, you can go ahead and clean up any excess mortar that may have gotten on the surface of your floor. Use a damp rag to wipe away any leftovers or smudges that were made during the application.


The best way to find out if there is a leak in your shower is by using a dye test. This will help determine where the leak is coming from and how large it is. After that, you can start fixing the problem. It’s important to remember that not all leaks can be fixed with just one solution – sometimes, you may need multiple steps before getting rid of every drop!
