A Physiotherapist’s Guide About A Muscle Spasm Treatment

physiotherapist Fitzroy north

There isn’t any specification about the body pain but, there are more chances of it to happen after you cross your 50 years of life. And, there comes a time you find a need to check out for Physiotherapist Fitzroy North for the relief from the pain.

Physiotherapist Fitzroy North


How have you reached to this condition? This is the first question any of the Physio Carlton North centre would like to know complete details.


There can be different reasons such as, a bad sitting or standing posture, accident, or any serious injury that can make you feel lots of pain while you walk, sit, stand, or run. In this guide, we will learn about muscle spasm. We have tried to cover almost the basics of it but to know more about it, you need to contact nearby physiotherapy centre.


A muscle spasm

A muscle spasm is considered as a painful involuntary muscle contraction that can occur at any time and interrupt the exercise. The condition is known as ‘exercise-associated muscle cramping and the situation can happen after or even at the time of exercise. The condition can mostly occur in the calf muscle than at any other place.


Why is it happen?

There is signal communication between the nervous system and muscle. When these signals increase, it will lead to muscle spasm condition. A repetitive muscular activation result in a cramp.

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Physiotherapist suggest stretching in the muscle spasm

The stretching exercise can alleviate the muscle cramp as it sends inhibitory signals to the overly stimulated muscle and helps in controlling the involuntary muscle contraction. When it comes to passive stretching, it will reduce activity within the muscle and the contradictions will get back to normal after 10 to 20 seconds.


Thus, it is recommended that the stretch should be extended to 30 seconds until the patient finds control on the muscle twitching and they will have a normal muscle length.


Is there any way to prevent muscle spasm?

Honestly, there isn’t any prevention method or a trick to completely stop them. But, the exercise and daily routine of muscle stretching will help the muscle from being overly stimulated. However, muscle trigger point, plyometric exercise, and muscle strengthening therapies can provide benefits.

 physio Carlton north

Enlist few ways to stretch the calf

However, there are various ways to stretch the muscle calf so contact the experts to find the best for you.

  • Heel raises

Keep the toes on a step and let the heel gently back on the ground. This can be performed with a straight knee or slightly bent for 30 seconds.  

  • Gastrocnemius stretch

In this exercise, you need to place one foot forward and another back. You need to make sure the back heel remains on the ground. The back knee should be straight and the front one should be bent a slight.

  • Soleus stretch

This is the same as the above trick but here the back knee is bent slightly. The calf stretching can also be performed with the toes up against a wall by keeping the knee straight for 30 seconds.


It is important to get the suggestion from Physiotherapist Fitzroy North before you try anything at home. Please do consult.  



