What to Do If Your Toilet Is Ghost Flushing?

Plumber Melbourne

The toilet flush is one of the most important parts of your bathroom. It’s where the water comes out, so it has a lot of pressure and needs to be reliable. If you’re experiencing ghost flushing or slow flushes, there are several things you can check before calling a Plumber Brighton.

Check the Integrity of Your Toilet’s Flapper

If you’re experiencing ghost flushing, the first thing to do is check the integrity of your toilet’s flapper. The flapper is a rubber flap that covers the drain and prevents water from flowing back down into your bowl after it’s flushed.

A worn or damaged flapper can allow air to enter through its hole, causing it not to completely close off the drain. This means all those pesky bits of solid waste will get sucked back into your toilet bowl instead of being flushed away!

If you see any signs that this might be happening—such as rust stains on your toilets’ exterior or an unusually loud noise when you flush—you should definitely take action immediately (and consult a Plumber Brighton).

Check Your Refill Tube

You may not think that the refill tube is a vital part of your toilet, but it’s actually important. The refill tube is where water enters the tank and pours out into your bowl. If there are any leaks or kinks in this tube, then water will run down into your tank instead of being pumped out by gravity (and therefore flushing).

The best way to check for leaks is to use a flashlight and look inside at night when nobody else can see what you’re doing—this way; there won’t be any surprises later on!

If nothing seems wrong with the fill tube itself but still doesn’t work properly after replacing all parts needed (including water supply lines), then call an expert plumber who knows all things related to toilets so they can take care of this issue for us!

Check Water Supply for Visible Leaks

Plumber Brighton

If you don’t find any visible leaks and your toilet still seems to be ghost-flushing, it’s time to check the water supply for leaks. The first place to look is at the faucet connection. If there are no visible leaks there, then check under the sink or in another room where it could have been leaking until now (i.e., under the kitchen sink).

If you still can’t find any source of leaky water supply, call an expert Plumber Brighton and ask them if they think that might be possible based on what they’ve seen so far—or simply call someone else who knows exactly how these things work because they might just know where it came from since they’re an expert on toilets too!


If you have a toilet that keeps flushing even after you have flushed it, you may have a clog in the trapway that is stopping water from flowing down your toilet.

In this case, try using an auger to open up the trapway and check for any debris or hair that may be preventing water from flowing down into the bowl. If necessary, remove any obstructions by hand and then use a plunger or snake to unclog any stubborn clogs within your plumbing system.
