The Best Season To Plan Your South Africa Tours!

The season to plan your South African tours is the coldest. The rainiest season, the snowiest holidays and the most demanding travel agent to find. Think of it like a slippery ski slope. When you first get on it, it’s probably going to be fun, but once you start traveling, it gets a bit more… challenging. The sooner you leave home for a vacation, the better you’ll feel about leaving for good (and the less rushed you’ll be back). It’s that much more difficult when you have no idea where and how long you will be gone. And if you’re looking to explore some of our wonderful country’s must-see sights and not just another doomed tourist … then here’s what you need to know – planning your tours of south Africa is easier than ever!

  • The weather here in SA can be crazy too.

There is no denying that South Africa’s weather will always be cold, even in December and January. But when we consider that the average temperature in Johannesburg is -2 degrees Celsius and that of Cape Town is 0 degrees Celsius, our enjoyment of the cold is tempered. The snow is there for a reason – it gives us that pleasant cozy feeling we adore. The rains also help to keep our souls at ease as they are also there to keep the travel experience pleasant and unhurried.

  • The best season to plan your South Africa tours is the coldest.

This is probably one of the best seasons to plan your tours of south Africa because the cold weather encourages local wildlife to breed in greater amounts. The breeding season lasts from June to August and is when our elephants, colobus and other big animals like that giraffe get their babies girled. The rains also help to keep the grasses at a sufficient pace to support the big animals and give birth to their calf-sized kids.

tours of south Africa

  • The snowiest holidays are on us now too.

The snowiest days of the year are the 11th, 18th and 25th of March. This is when most of South Africa’s monsoon season begins and it’s also the day when we get to see the most snow. This is where our African elephants come in – they are the ones that make up the backbone of our ecosystem and live on the plains of St. Barthelemy in the Eastern Cape. The mundane, but rather important, job of maintaining the snowpack is to keep our six leopard kids safe and happy from the winter’s cold. The easiest way to do this is to keep the vehicle windows up and the air conditioner on as the snow is not going to stay out most of the day.

  • The most demanding South African travel agent to find.

The best time to find a South African travel agent is early in the year. If you’re lucky, they may already have a team dedicated to your specific industry or location. But if you’re not, finding a good agency can be difficult. Almost all of the agencies you find and hire in your area will be more than happy to help. But it’s those that are going to be the most challenging for you to find. You’ll have to research the best and find a South African travel agency that is both affordable and easy to work with. You’ll also have to find travel agents that are easy to work with, willing to work remotely, and have many travel options.

Summing up

The season to plan your South Africa tours is the coldest. The rainiest season, the snowiest holidays, the most demanding travel agent to find. Thinking of all this in May, the time to plan your South Africa tours is the most difficult. The rain and snow are always dangerous, and if you’re not careful, you could end up with a broken bone or two if you get really naughty with it. So prepare to plan your South Africa travel accordingly, and be prepared for the cold!
