Can stress and pain be linked? Here’s why you should consult physio South Melbourne

Are you a stress-eater, or do you constantly hurt yourself to cope with life? Let’s face it, the modern world can be a difficult place to live. 

We all know that stress and pain can be linked – after all, who hasn’t experienced tension headaches or neck pain as a result of feeling overwhelmed? But did you know that there may be a scientific basis for this connection? In today’s blog post, we’ll explore some of the latest research on the link between stress and pain, and we’ll also discuss why it’s important to seek help from a physio South Melbourne wide if you’re experiencing both. So read on to learn more!

What is a stress and pain connection?

Stress is a normal, physiological response to danger; it’s also a gateway to creativity and a motivating force. It puts our bodies into overdrive to prepare us for whatever is coming our way. However, when the response isn’t needed, or when we overheat with pressure, the stress response becomes overblown, resulting in overactivation of theön receptors – which can lead to pain and stress.

How physiotherapy can help manage stress and anxiety

Instead of fighting your emotions, trying to contain them or resorting to over-the-counter meds, consider working with a physiotherapist. We understand that health problems can cause stress; however, stress and pain can also be detected and managed with physiotherapy. With regular physical therapy, you can learn how to control your stress better, develop better stress-management skills, and ultimately reduce your overall pain and stress levels. 

Can stress and pain be linked Here's why you should consult physio South Melbourne

Here are five ways physiotherapy can help manage stress and anxiety: 

  1. Improve your coping skills.

While you may be able to control your thoughts, your feelings and your behaviour when you’re under stress, you can’t control your thoughts, feelings or behaviour when you’re in pain. Often, the combination of physical pain and emotional distress can cause muscle spasms and other contractions that feel like regional pain. Unfortunately, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and related techniques used by physiotherapists can deal with both pain and stress; they can break down the Black and White Box of emotions and give you insight into how you’re thinking and feeling.

  1. Physios use a variety of techniques to help relieve pain and stress

Stress ranges from minor (e.g. a headache) to severe (e.g. a nervous breakdown). Although each of us has different tolerances for discomfort, the key is to identify the sources of your stress and work towards relieving them. For example, if you tend to worry about money, find a way to reduce that worry – whether that’s eating more healthy food or taking more frequent breaks for a walk. Identifying and relieving your stressors will help you feel less stressed – and consequently have more energy to deal with your day-to-day responsibilities.

  1. Consultations are confidential and tailored to your individual needs

Although you can’t communicate your needs to a physiotherapist in “code”, you can still communicate how you’re feeling to the therapist. For example, if you find it hard to concentrate in classes, discuss how you’d like to improve that. It’s also possible to request an “open book” assessment; i.e. the therapist will read you their notes instead of looking in your face. This helps you see how you’re communicating; it’s also part of the confidentiality part.

  1. You don’t need a referral from your doctor to see a physio

Although physiotherapy is arguably a doctor’s profession, you don’t need to go to a doctor for physiotherapy. In fact, you can see a physiotherapist without having a medical problem – just as you can see a doctor without having a medical problem. As long as you’re able to see a doctor when you have a medical problem, you should get in touch with your doctor first should you need physiotherapy.

  1. Physios can help with a range of conditions, not just pain and stress

You may have heard that physiotherapy is only for people with pain; however, physiotherapy can also be used for a range of conditions such as Muscle spasms, tennis elbow joint pain, Stress and anxiety management is a key factor in optimizing your treatment with physiotherapy. Thankfully, interventions focused on reducing your stress and anxiety (or at least acknowledging they exist) are a part of many physiotherapy treatments.

Bottom line

Do you ever feel like your stress and pain are linked? Like the more anxious you feel, the more physical pain you experience? If so, you’re not alone. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the research on this topic and why it’s important to consult a physio South Melbourne wide if you’re experiencing pain related to stress. Stay tuned for tips on how to reduce your overall stress levels!
